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Maybe you've come to understand that your life really matters. You're created and loved by God and he made you with a purpose. He wants to have a good relationship with you and to take care of you. Jesus brought us salvation, the possibility to be reconciled with God and through that providing us with access to God's lovely and eternal kingdom. Do you believe this and are you willing to trust and follow Jesus by living according to his will? Congratulations when you decide(d) to do so, to say 'yes' to God! The Bible calls this to 'be born again' and this is like a spiritual rebirth. You are now a Christian, a follower of Christ, and seen as a 'child' of God (John 1 verse 12) who can inherit his kingdom.

It's great to know that your life has meaning and that there is a purpose to live for. The decision to trust and follow Jesus is the best you could ever make, because that can eventually lead to ending up in God's kingdom. However, we are not there yet, this decision is just the beginning of the road that will take you there. It's a road of trust, of love, of commitment to God but also of his mercy and grace towards us. You see, because we could never earn or deserve to be with God, he alone made that possible. But in a relationship it has to come from both sides, so Jesus expects that we walk in his ways. He provided the solution for our failures, and he wants to help us via the Holy Spirit, the Bible and the church, to go all the way!
From here we need to grow in our faith, this means to get a better understanding of God and his will by studying the Bible and the life of Jesus. The Holy Spirit and the church can come to our aid here. Every born again Christian receives the Holy Spirit, he will help us and guide us in the walk of faith and in building on a stronger relationship with God the Father. Also we can learn a lot from fellow believers that already learned important lessons and get encouragement. Local churchLocal churchThe function of the church is not only to spread the great news of Jesus (gospel) among all people, but also to equip the ones that come to faith. So after accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, it's important to look for a local church that you can join. It's good to learn more about praying, to have fellowship and study the Bible together.

There are many faithful, never perfect, Christians that are gifted as teachers or pastors that can help you to learn more. Or (after)caregivers that can support you and help you to change things in your life, who encourage you to hold on in hard times that can come. Jesus did not promised that everything would be good and easy in this current life when you follow him. But when we press on until our final day on this earth has come, then we will inherit all of his great promises forever. So get in touch, but always be critical, never accept a teaching/teacher just like that, but find out yourself if it's indeed in agreement with the (whole) Bible. And if it fits in the life and the teachings that Jesus shared with us, because he is the perfect image of God. Reject everything that's not in agreement with Jesus' example and the Bible. If we can, we would like to help you to learn more about God (also check the 'going deep' section on this site),and if possible even help you to find a local church. Feel free to contact us.

Take the turn to heaven coverWe can absolutely recommend to lookup and follow the teachings of Bayless Conley which are also available via Youtube. This way you can easily get clear and reliable teachings about the Word of God (the Bible). We love you, but more importantly God loves you! Jesus came to bring you back to him, accept his invitation and enjoy life at God's AFTER party!
Also check out the book "Take the turn to heaven" that has been written by Paul Meijerink. This is a short book that's clear and to the point and deals with important matters. Such as the purpose of life, the question if there is an afterlife and what the possible outcomes are. You can order it via the site